The Philadelphia region is designated as America’s Garden Capital! Join Rancocas for a spring bus trip to Winterthur Gardens and Museum and celebrate the artistic vision of its creator, Henry Francis du Pont, and its surrounding 1,000 acres of meadows, forests, and streams. Every aspect of this historic gem is not to be missed. Enjoy the naturalistic gardens--a masterpiece of color and design and the du Pont mansion with its collection of nearly 90,000 objects. Explore the garden on foot, or on a narrated tram ride—museum, gardens, and tram all included with admission. Lunch is on your own. Bring a picnic lunch or visit the Café. Visit for details. The trip is sponsored by the Rancocas Nature Center and includes charter bus transportation (from and to Prospector's Restaurant, Mt. Laurel) and entry ticket. Cost: $85/per person. Registration for this event is available here at WINTERTHUR GARDEN. Payment secures the registration, and all sales are final. You can also register by mailing a check to Rancocas Nature Center, 794 Rancocas Road, Westampton, NJ 08060 or by stopping at the center. Travel information will be sent via email to all registrants.
Children's Programs
TALES & TRAILS (Ages 3+) Wednesday, March 5 10:30 to 11:30 AM The Rancocas Nature Preserve is beautiful in the spring! Join us for this free family-friendly children’s program. Each session will include a nature-themed storybook and a hike on the trails to explore the Rancocas preserve and is geared toward families with children 3 years and up, but babies in backpacks are welcome! This program is free (with a current Rancocas Nature Center membership). Inclement weather cancels. Register at TAILS & TRAILS-SPRING
WOODSY WONDERERS (Ages 3 to 5) Parental Participation Required Fridays, March 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, May 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 10 AM to 12 PM Let’s explore the outdoors and discover the wonders of nature! Each class will include a story, a nature exploration, student-led inquiry, and free play. Based on the “forest school” concept, this outdoor education model focuses on student interactions with natural spaces and offers hands-on learning in a woodland environment. This program is primarily outdoors and will take place in most types of weather including light drizzle and cooler temperatures. Class will be canceled for heavy rain/winds, thunderstorms, or other unsafe weather. Cost (with a current Rancocas membership): $15/per child/per class, Register for 5 or more classes for $12/per child/per class. Register at WOODSY WONDERERS
Due to complexity of registration - be sure to DOWNLOAD your e-Ticket(s) from your purchase email.
LITTLE SPROUTS (Ages 2 to 6) - Thanks everyone Wednesdays, March 19, 26, April 9, 16, 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4, and 11 10:30 to 11:30 AM This gardening program is for children ages 2 to 6 years old accompanied by an adult. Each session will focus on a different aspect of gardening and include work time in the garden, composting, a story, and a craft/activity. Please dress accordingly. This program is free (with a current Rancocas Nature Center membership). Inclement weather cancels. Register at LITTLE SPROUTS
Due to complexity of registration - be sure to DOWNLOAD your e-Ticket(s) from your purchase email.
Teen/Scout Programs
TEEN AND SCOUT CONSERVATION VOLUNTEER DAYS (Ages 13-17) Saturday March 1--12:30 to 3:30 PM; Sunday, April 6--12:30 to 3:30 PM; Saturday, May 3--9 AM to 12 PM The Rancocas Nature Center hosts monthly volunteer opportunities for supervised stewardship conservation projects. It’s a great way for scouts and other youth 13 to 17 years-old to get out into nature and accumulate service hours. Parental consent is required and parents are welcome to help, as well. Activities vary depending on the season, but often include removal of invasive species and mulching native plant enclosures and gardens. Volunteers should bring water, work gloves, and dress in work clothes, including appropriate footwear. Upon request, letters can be provided for youth needing proof of service for Scouts, 4-H, Honors Society, etc. Register at Teen and Scout Conservation Volunteer
MAPLE SUGARING FOR SCOUTS Sunday, March 2 12:30 to 3:30 PM (staggered start times) What a tasty way to spend a late winter afternoon! Bring your scout or the whole troop/pack and enjoy a program about maple sugaring, the oldest continuous industry in North America. On this self-guided walk, visit multiple interactive stations along the Rancocas trails. Learn about the Sugar Maple tree and the history of maple sugaring, observe a tapping demonstration, and enjoy a maple syrup tasting. Please limit adults and extra siblings as this is a scout program. To ward off the chills, we’ll have an old-fashioned campfire burning. Cost: $15/per scout/per adult/per sibling. Start times are staggered. Register at Maple Sugaring Badge
BSA SCOUT MERIT BADGE: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Saturday, March 22 Pollution Workshop at Rancocas 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM Sunday, April 13 Ecology Workshop and Invasive Removal at Rancocas 12:30 to 4 PM Independent assignments: Requirements 3C, 3E, and 6, see our Google Classroom for further instructions. You will be invited after registering. Is your scout looking to complete their BSA Environmental Science badge? Our certified merit badge counselors have backgrounds in the environmental science field. The workshops use real-life scenarios to develop a better understanding of some of today’s issues and challenges, as well as some of the successes. This is a comprehensive badge with meaningful content and a manageable workload. Please talk to us before considering this as a first badge. Participants must attend both workshops and complete all activities--most requirements will be done together--at least in part. Scouts will be invited to our Google classroom, where additional virtual lessons/discussions take place. Parents should take the time to explore the Google classroom and assignments with their scout as soon as they receive their invite. Cost: $50/per scout. Register at BSA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. For questions/information, contact
GIRL SCOUTS CADETTES: NIGHT OWL BADGE Saturday, March 29 6:30 to 9:00 PM Join Rancocas naturalists for an evening of fun while earning your Night Owl Badge. Learn about nocturnal animals, practice using your senses in the dark, and take a guided night hike on our trails. Hear stories about the constellations as we gather around a campfire and enjoy s’mores. In addition, an astronomer will be on hand to answer questions about the stars and to assist with observations of the night sky. Each scout should bring a camp chair. Cost: $18/per scout (badge included). Register individually or as a troop on our website at GSA NIGHT OWL
Programs for All Ages
INTERPRETIVE TRAIL HIKE Sunday, March 2, April 6 and May 4 1:30 to 2:30 PM - March 2 is CANCELLED Join Rancocas Nature Center for an interpretive hike through our varied habitats. It’s a great way to become familiar with the trails. You can bring a camera and/or binoculars as we’ll be sure to stop at scenic spots along the way. The hike is suitable for all ages 5+, so you’ll need a child carrier to transport younger children. Registration is limited to 20 participants. The program is free with FRNC membership; or a $10 donation is suggested. Register atINTERPRETIVE TRAIL HIKE-SPRING. Inclement weather cancels.
SCHOOL’S OUT—DROP IN AND MEET THE RANCOCAS ANIMALS Friday, April 18 and Thursday, April 24 10:30 to Noon Are you home from school this week? A naturalist will be available at the center to share a hands-on session with the Rancocas resident reptiles and tree frogs. All visitors are welcome. If the weather is nice, bring your lunch--our picnic area will be available, and you can enjoy a hike on the trails too. Free trail maps are available in the nature center. NOTE: The Rancocas Nature Center is a carry-in/carry-out facility. The program is free with FRNC membership; or a $10 donation is suggested. Registration at SCHOOL's OUT-DROP IN is not required.
Adult & Teen Programs
HUMP-DAY AFTERNOON HIKE (Ages 18+ intermediate ability with multiple elevation changes) Wednesday, March 5 2:30 to 4 PM Like to hike, but don’t like doing it alone? Come on out for a brisk hike in nature—the perfect way to get some exercise incorporated into your day. Breathe deep, relax, and enjoy the weekly changes you observe as the season progresses. The program is free. A FRNC membership or a $10 donation is suggested. Register at HUMP DAY AFTERNOON HIKE. Inclement weather cancels.
CONNECT WITH NATURE SERIES: LOSING THE LAWN--A PERSONAL JOURNEY Sunday, March 16 1 to 2:30 PM Is it easy to create a bountiful natural wildlife habitat in your yard? Join Rancocas naturalist Patty Rehn as she shares a presentation on how she transformed her lawn into a native garden teeming with birds, mammals, and insects. Explore ways to create a productive habitat in place of the green monoculture in your yard. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions where they naturally occur. These important plant species provide nectar, pollen, and seeds that serve as food for native butterflies, insects, birds and other animals. And the bonus is less area to mow. The program is free — FRNC membership or donation suggested. Register online at LOSING THE LAWN
RANCOCAS NATURE CENTER OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Thursdays, March 6, April 3, and May 1 10 AM to 12 PM All are welcome! Club meets the first Thursday of every month in the Rancocas Nature Center classroom or at a designated alternative outdoor location. Contact for details.
AMERICAN WOODCOCK & THEIR AERIAL DISPLAYS Thursday, March 6 5:15 to 6:30 PM Each year in the late winter, the American Woodcock move northward at the beginning of their breeding season. One of their migration stops is the Rancocas meadow– a reliable spot to watch the male of the species perform a fascinating aerial display to impress the female Woodcocks. Rancocas naturalist Patti Rehn will share an informative PPT presentation at the Center, then lead an outdoor session in the meadow—a unique viewing opportunity. This is a joint program with the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club. The program is free. A FRNC membership or a $10 donation is suggested. Register at AMERICAN WOODCOCK Inclement weather cancels.
ESCAPE ART SERIES: TEACUP GARDENS (ages 16+) Sunday, March 9 1:30 to 3:30 PM Join us for an afternoon of inspiration and creativity as we take the ordinary and make it extraordinary! We will turn an ordinary teacup into a whimsical garden. All supplies will be included (teacups, soil, plants, embellishments) but you are welcome to bring your own accoutrements. It’s the perfect way to start the spring season! Workshop Cost: $30/per person. Register at TEACUP GARDEN
Seasonal Strolls (ages 55+) 2nd Fridays, March 14, April 11, and May 9 10:30 AM (Meet in the Rancocas Nature Center Parking Lot) 4th Fridays, March 28, April 25, and May 23 10:30 am (Meet at Rancocas State Park-Westampton Parking Lot) Join a 45-minute to 1-hour guided stroll to observe the seasonal changes in the Rancocas Nature Preserve and Rancocas State Park’s meadows, waterways, and woodlands with one of our teacher naturalists--Robin Sperry or Mary Belko. We’ll use one of our easier trails--mostly flat ground with some roots. The program is free. A FRNC membership or a $10 donation is suggested. Register at SEASON STROLLS-2ND FRIDAYS. or SEASONAL STROOLS-4TH FRIDAYS Inclement weather cancels.
SATURDAY GUIDED WALKS Saturdays, March 15, April 19, and May 17 10:30 to 11:30 AM Studies show that taking a walk in a natural area is good for your physical and mental health. Adults and interested teens can join Rancocas Nature Center for a Saturday guided hike in the preserve. The program is free. A FRNC membership or a $10 donation is suggested. Register at SATURDAY GUIDED WALK. Inclement weather cancels.
HUMP-DAY AFTER WORK HIKES (Ages 18+ intermediate ability with multiple elevation changes) Wednesdays, March 19 thru June 11 5:30 to 7 PM (Daylight dependent) Like to hike, but don’t like doing it alone? Come on out for a brisk hike in nature—the perfect way to get some exercise incorporated into your day. Breathe deep, relax, and enjoy the weekly changes you observe as the season progresses. The program is free. A FRNC membership or a $10 donation is suggested. Register at HUMP DAY AFTER WORK Please be sure to DOWNLOAD/PRINT your e-ticket - that displays the DATE(S) You Selected. ( Blue Link just above email confirmation) Inclement weather cancels.
SPRING NATURE JOURNALING HIKE (Ages 16+) Saturday, March 29 2:30 to 4 PM Bring your nature journal/sketchbook and join Teacher-Naturalist Robin Sperry for a hike on trails in the Rancocas State Park and nature preserve while journaling some of the wonders of spring. The program is free. A FRNC membership or a $10 donation is suggested. Register at SPRING JOURNALING HIKE. Inclement weather cancels.
VOLUNTEER SPRING CLEANING AT THE RANCOCAS NATURE CENTER Sunday, April 6 12:30 to 3:30 PM Volunteer to help with a myriad list of smaller inside and outside center projects. Details and sign-up links can be found on the Rancocas Nature Center website at VOLUNTEER SPRING CLEANING. For adults and youth ages 13 to 17 (with parental consent). Volunteer time can be applied toward scout/youth conservation hours and/or community service. Registration is required for planning purpose
ESCAPE ART SERIES: PLEIN AIR PAINTING (Ages 16+) Sunday, May 4 1:30 to 3:30 PM Let’s get outside, as we practice the art of “Plein Air” painting at one of Rancocas’s scenic locations and try our hand with acrylics on canvas. Step-by-step instruction will be provided. No experience necessary--all levels welcome! Workshop Cost: $25/per person. Register at ESCAPE ART - PLEIN PAINTING
CONNECT WITH NATURE SERIES: MEET THE ARTIST/ILLUSTRATOR Saturday, May 10 2 to 3 PM Rancocas is pleased to host Allen Crawford, a local award-winning, graphic artist, author, naturalist, and part-time trail steward for NJ Parks and Forestry. His latest illustrated book, A Wild Promise (Tin House 2023), commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the Endangered Species Act. In addition to a short presentation with Q & A, Crawford will be signing copies of his latest book, for sale along with assorted prints. This program is free; donations to the center are always welcome. Register at MEET THE ARTIST/ILLUSTRATOR
SPRING WARBLER ID Saturday, May 17 2 to 3 PM Spring migration peaks in May and warblers will be returning to the area. Brush up on your ID skills, learn about warbler characteristics, and pick up tips for locating warblers in their habitat. Breanna Hawkins will share her birding skills with all levels of interest and expertise. The program is free for Rancocas members; non-members/$10 per person. Register at SPRING WARBLER.
WEEKDAY BIRD WALKS AT RANCOCAS Wednesday. May 21 8:30 to 9:30/10 AM New Jersey and Burlington County fall within the eastern flyway for spring migration. This is an amazing time of year to see many species of birds not in our area at other times. Rancocas naturalist Audrey Dorofy will lead a spring walk through various habitats to see how many species of birds we can record that day. All skill levels are welcome! Possible sightings will include migrants, seasonal species, and year-round residents. Bring binoculars and walking shoes. Loaner binoculars are available—reserve a pair. The program is free. A FRNC membership or a $10 donation is suggested. Register at WEEKDAY BIRD WALKS. Inclement weather cancels.
Adult Field Trips (suitable for interested teens)
BIRDING ALONG THE DELAWARE FIELD TRIP Saturday, March 8 9:30 AM to 1 PM Sites along the Delaware River offer views of many duck species seen here only in winter. This trip, led by Mary Belko and Audrey Dorofy. will focus on Burlington County areas such as Delran and Delanco. Past specie sightings include common merganser, bufflehead, common goldeneye, and canvasback. Bring a snack/beverage, binoculars, and a scope if you have one. The program is free for Rancocas members; non-members/$10 per person. Register at DELAWARE FIELD TRIP. Inclement weather cancels. Trip itinerary and directions will be emailed to registrants.
CONNECT WITH NATURE SERIES: THE SPRING NATIVE GARDEN FIELD TRIP Saturday, April 26 11 AM to 12 PM This special field trip to experience naturalists Patty Rehn and Steve Mattan’s expansive native wildflower garden is not to be missed. It is not too early in the season to enjoy the color of blooming species and the wildlife that gets attracted by their nectar. Patty and Steve welcome your questions. Bring a lunch/snack/beverage to enjoy in the garden with other participants. The program is free for Rancocas members; non-members/$10 per person. Register at NATIVE GARDEN TRIP. Inclement weather cancels. Trip directions will be emailed to registrants.